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The Local Economic Development in the Balkans (LEDIB) programme is a five-year programme for support to local economic development with a focus on development of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise (SME) Sector. In line with the strategy of the Danish Neighbourhood Programme, LEDIB covers Nisava District and is in support of the poverty reduction strategies of Serbia. more information

The development objective of the programme is socially balanced economic development and employment creation in the Nišava District in Serbia.

The programme consists of two components.

  • The Enabling Business Environment Component will support local authorities in developing an enabling business environment for SME development. The support will promote public-private dialogue and will also support business organisations advocating for the needs of SMEs.
  • The second component, SME development, will support SMEs through support to cluster development, support to development of Business Development Services and support to finance for SMEs.

The programme’s focus on Nisava District in Serbia will ensure synergy between the supported interventions and will help to establish and provide visible examples of good practices for SME development.


Representatives of Development Offices from entire Serbia Prepare a Regional Development Strategy
Tuesday, 14 April 2009 09:23
Support to the Development of Entrepreneurship in the Roma Community
Friday, 10 April 2009 09:34
Seminar on the Implementation of Tax Laws Started
Tuesday, 07 April 2009 17:40
"The Language of Sales” Improve Daily Operations
Monday, 30 March 2009 10:01
General Guidelines for the Preparation of the Regional Development Strategy
April 13th - 15th 2009
Module Foreign Direct Investment
March 30th - April 3rd 2009
Future Activities on Component Improved Advocacy of Business Organizations
February - August 2009
Activities on Component Improved BDS Market
April - June 2009
Activities on Cluster Development Component
March - May 2009

© 2008 Vizantijski Bulevar 80, 18000 Niš, Tel: +381 18 207 120, Fax: +381 18 207 121, E-mail: [email protected], www.ledib.org