
Please choose person to send email:

  • Carsten Lund

    LEDIB Programme Director

  • Bojana Petrović

    Programme Assistant

  • Žarko Simović

    Component Coordinator

  • Danka Milojković

    Component Coordinator

  • Goran Zlatković

    Component Coordinator

  • Maja Mitić Nikolić

    Component Coordinator

  • Bojan Dimić

    Financial Assistant

  • Dragan Petrović


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Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark visited LEDIB Cluster House
Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark visited LEDIB Cluster House

High Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Mr. Mikael Erbs-Jørgensen visited for the first time since the end of the mission cluster LEDIB.

HARVARD Kennedy School

Clusters - Story Of Success