25 Jan 10

A group of teachers from Agricultural School “Sumatovac” from Aleksinac visited the Agricultural School “Green Academy” from Aarhus, Denmark from 10-16.01. This study tour, as well as the implementation of a twinning project between two schools was organized and financed by LEDIB Programme. https://www.multikassa.com купить tether usdt в москве.


Teachers from Aleksinac first visited the school, green houses and workshops for different types of training and practice classes. They also visited the horse farm, used for practice classes. The guests attended the lecture on educational system in Denmark as well, and visited the company that produces the plant Kalanchoe, and saw its up-to-date technology and equipment. They also toured two farms that produce record amounts of milk – 9.000 litres per cow yearly. The Green Academy school farm was visited as well. Though the farm itself is not very big, guests were impressed by the number of various buildings and equipment. They especially enjoyed talking to pupils about their activities.


During the study tour, Aleksinac teachers also visited Agricultural College and were impressed by its premises and qualified staff. They toured small farms in the surrounding area – farm of goats bred in organic way (thus achieving higher price for milk and higher profits) and farm on which flour is produced in a traditional way.


The trip resulted in signing the Protocol on Twinning and Cooperation between the Agricultural School “Sumatovac” of Aleksinac and Green Academy of Aarhus.


The purpose of the project is to strengthen agricultural vocational education at “Sumatovac” Agricultural School in Aleksinac by twinning activities implemented in close co-operation with a Danish agricultural college.


The project will be continued by visits of professors from Denmark, who will perform the workshops with topics from the professional field.

Visit to Innovations Fair

Supported by LEDIB Programme, representatives of the Grammar School in Aleksinac visited Vajle Municipality in Denmark and attended the Fair of Innovations in December 2009.

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