Producers of Children's Clothes on the CIFF Kids Fair in Copennhagen Delegation of the producers of children's clothing from Nišava District in the organization of LEDIB Program visited the International Fair of Children's fashion in Copenhagen. 

Awarding of Certificates for Tax Advisors Ceremony of assigning certificates to participants of specialized studies for the tax counseling will be held at the 6th February 2009. at 15 hours in the Hotel Aleksandar. Specialist Studies for tax advisors were organized in cooperation with the Megatrend University ( and eminent experts in the tax system.  

Nis Craftsmen and Entrepreneurs Visiting the Novi Sad Craft Chamber The two-days meeting of Craft Chambers of Nis and Novi Sad (22-23 December 2008) organized by the LEDIB programme enabled the concrete linking of business organizations of South Serbia and Vojvodina.  

Business Legal Consulting and Logistic Support LEDIB programme started with the implementing of the development project “Cluster Development - legal consulting and logistic support”. The project started on 15 December and is intended for the LEDIB programme clusters:  

“Use of Computers in Business According to the ECDL Standard” Course Completed Representatives and employees in business organizations and partner organizations of LEDIB (Nis Regional Chamber of Economy, General Association of Independent Businessmen and Craftsmen of Nis, General Association of Businessmen of the Nis Area) completed the entire course “Use of Computers in business according to the ECDL Standard – Advanced Business Level”. 

Bogus Braxtor
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crypto invest

Annex of the MoU between LEDIB and Nisava District Municipalities Signed 

Representative of the Nisava District and of the LEDIB programme signed an annex of the Memorandum of Understanding marking the official realizing of the project “Strengthening Capacities of Municipalities in the Nisava District”. The period for realizing this project is until September 2009. For each individual project that Nisava District Municipalities shall compete with will be set aside one and half million Dinars, whereas no infrastructure project will be supported..

LEDIB programme on Youtube channel:


                     Click link above to see whole video

LEDIB Programme

The Local Economic Development in the Balkans (LEDIB) programme is a five-year programme for support to local economic development with a focus on development of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise (SME) Sector. In line with the strategy of the Danish Neighbourhood Programme, LEDIB covers Nisava District and is in support of the poverty reduction strategies of Serbia.

The development objective of the programme is socially balanced economic development and employment creation in the Nišava District in Serbia.

The programme consists of two components.

The programme’s focus on Nisava District in Serbia will ensure synergy between the supported interventions and will help to establish and provide visible examples of good practices for SME development.

Seminar for Architects and Engineers “Campus Urbanism & Architecture” An interesting topic - Campus Urbanism & Architecture and the renowned lecturer from Madrid - dr Pablo Campos Calvo-Sotelo, are sufficient reasons for gathering architects and engineers at a seminar that will take place at the Nis University in the period 18-20 March 2009.  

Business Training “Language of Selling” Members of BOs/BAs members/BDS representatives from the Niš District (City of Nis and the municipalities of Aleksinac, Merosina and Gadzin Han) through this training shall have the opportunity to improve their knowledge and skills in negotiating and communicating, as very important segments of sales. 

Meetings of Construction Cluster Members Working meetings members of construction clusters Opeka - Brick will be held every last Friday of the month starting at 14 p.m. at the Regional Center for professional development of employees in education - Niš (ul. Pariske komune bb - the building behind the one of the Mediana Municipality 

Procedures for Establishing Clusters The February cycle of motivation trainings “Procedures for Establishing Clusters” organized by the Centre for the Development of Cluster, Consumerism and Franchising of the City organization of consumers from Nis, with the support of the LEDIB expert team, started on 3 February 2009 conducting the first training in Aleksinac.  

Taboo d.o.o.

Taboo is one of the premiere textile producers in Nisava District, with the emphasis on high-end men's fashion and business attire. Their collections have been highly successful and endorsed by celebrities in Serbia.

Regional Chamber of Economy

Regional Chamber of Economy Nis is the largest public BDS provider in Nisava District providing a wide range of services and support to businesses operating on its territory

Logik d.o.o. Niš

Logik is one of the premier BDS providers in the field of E-Marketing and IT services to SMEs in Nisava Districts. The quality of services that Logik provides have introduced the company to the international markets where they are successfully carrying out projects.