On October 7, 2011, LEDIB and HELP German Organization are signing MoU with LEDIB Cluster House and NOVA Entrepreneurial Organization at LEDIB Cluster House premises. This is the official continuation of the two donor programmes cooperation whose activities in South East Serbia are focused on sustainable economic development.
The best example of synergy of the two programmes is Ms Sladjana Kirov, who will present her business. Two years ago, within HELP Project, she started producing shii-take mushrooms, attended basic business and professional trainings, and then, by the beginning of this year, she joined Agro Start-up Cluster, in order to keep on developing through improvements in business process. According to Ms Kirov, the possibility to use Union of Start-up Clusters Showroom also contributed to excellent results of her business.
Cooperation of LEDIB and HELP through inter-programme networking of clients, joint competing for and implementation of projects, joint organizing of project related events and other activities related to improving of the business atmosphere for SMEs and entrepreneurs will contribute to development and promotion of business environment in Nis Region.
October is the traditional month of food, as, among other events, World Food Day is observed on October 16 and International Chefs Day on October 20.