10 Oct 11

From October 14 – 16, 2011, Society of Journalists of Nis is organizing a seminar in Hotel Gejzir in Sijerinska Banja. The first day of the seminar is dedicated to reporting on economic subjects - economic reality of Serbia, role of small and medium enterprises in the economic development as well as the role of the State incentives for the local economic development. The main topic during the second day will be reporting on green technologies and energy efficiency, their significance and types that are applicable in Serbia. On the third day, the focus will be on reporting on court procedures. All these topics will be presented by experts from relevant fields – professors from Faculty of Economy and Faculty of Occupational Safety, Department of Ecology, judges and Police Department Nis representatives. The techniques of reporting will be presented by renowned journalist dealing with respective fields of reporting.

National Dishes Preparation Contest

October is the traditional month of food, as, among other events, World Food Day is observed on October 16 and International Chefs Day on October 20.

MoU Signing

Fair in Plovdiv, NTV
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